Extensive Pond Systems
Extensive Pond Systems
Open ponds are probably the most used system for growing fish. Ponds are typically located where land cost is low and low cost labour is freely available. Pond systems have a low capital requirement but generate a low fish yield relative to RAS and other intensive systems. Yield is low because stocking density is set to a very low level which can be supported by low feed inputs and limited availability of oxygen (which transfers from the air via the water surface). With surface agitation via paddle aerators, oxygen transfer into solution remains very low compared to more advanced gas transfer systems, but these tend to be the technologies used for production. In India, a typical yield is of the order 2 tonnes/acre and in Australia, using slightly more sophisticated paddle wheels and water treatment to remove undesirable gases and solids, 4-5 tonnes per acre can be achieved -with an increased capital cost but much quicker payback.
Integration of Matsya technology
Matsya Technologies' solution, previously described, can be retrofitted into a pond based grow platform either adding to or displacing existing aerators to increase fish yield and greatly improve fish health.
The payback is seen to be within 2-3y depending on the region, the size of the pond, and fish grown/conditions of the pond.
The system can be paired with solar PV technology or Anaerobic Digestion technology for even better long term performance.
Designs have been made for modules for ponds sized from 0.5Ha, 1 acre, 1 Ha, and 2 Ha. The larger the installation, better is the payback. Higher the number of installations, better the payback.
Integration of Matsya Technology into a pond grow system, doubles of the amount of oxygen transferred into solution using half the energy, producing bigger fish and increasing yield to between 5.5-8.5 tonnes per acre, Live trials carried out in Hong Kong (validated in Australia) integrating Matsya technology in pond based systems demonstrate that fish produced have near zero coliform count with corresponding improvement in taste (mud taste disappears). Australian trials were carried out at BIRC, Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland aimed at providing an independent comparison of a Matsya vs.paddle wheel aerated system. These trials demonstrated a 50% increase in yield, 18% increase in length of the fish, 60% increase in viability, 99% reduction in coliform count (even in brackish, muddy water), better taste, and demonstrated that the entire system can be operated using a photovoltaic power supply.
Matsya's pond based solutions typically achieve a 1- 3y payback for larger scale or multi-pond operations based on reduction in operational cost and reduced capital costs. These pond based solutions can be new build , retrofitting existing ponds , or even adding to existing aerators as auxiliary aeration units. Matsya's system is made available on a revenue share basis, the client underwriting the cost of capital equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Matsya DZFO Module was compared with a standard paddle wheel aerator system. The resultant prawns had several distinct advantages. They were 18% longer length, 50% greater yield, greater weight individually, 50% reduction in power compared to paddle wheel aerators, 99% reduction in coliform, faster growth cycle, and better taste - taste panel included guests for the Chinese New Year Festival.
The image below shows an example of the DZFO Module implemented in a pond and powered by Solar PV